prison break at 10 tonight (:
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
i'm typing this at cheryl's house. (:
let see...maths paper sucked.sigh.i couldn't do the paper as expected and i am so freaking dead. ): God bless me.don't really want to think about it now cos' it'll only sadden me so think happy thoughts huixin...happy thoughts (:
at least i've cleared all my h2 exams! yay! :D i'm left with lit paper on 9 october.still got plenty of time to meanwhile i can SLACK.yes! (:
i'm a beeeg time slacker and that's probably what i do best. (:
oc...desperate housewives...princess hours...they are waiting for me.haha.vcds marathon! (: woohoo! i'm on cloud nine man.heh.
going prata house later to celebrate dearest boon's birthday.(:
let see...maths paper sucked.sigh.i couldn't do the paper as expected and i am so freaking dead. ): God bless me.don't really want to think about it now cos' it'll only sadden me so think happy thoughts huixin...happy thoughts (:
at least i've cleared all my h2 exams! yay! :D i'm left with lit paper on 9 october.still got plenty of time to meanwhile i can SLACK.yes! (:
i'm a beeeg time slacker and that's probably what i do best. (:
oc...desperate housewives...princess hours...they are waiting for me.haha.vcds marathon! (: woohoo! i'm on cloud nine man.heh.
going prata house later to celebrate dearest boon's birthday.(:
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
heh.this is funny. :D
HE: Can I buy you a drink?
SHE: Actually I'd rather have the money.
HE: I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.
SHE: I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.
HE: Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?
SHE: Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.
HE: How did you get to be so beautiful?
SHE: I must've been given your share.
HE: Will you go out with me this Saturday?
SHE: Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.
HE: Your face must turn a few heads.
SHE: And your face must turn a few stomachs.
HE: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
SHE: Okay, get out.
HE: I think I could make you very happy.
SHE: Why? Are you leaving?
HE: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
SHE: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.
HE: Can I have your name?
SHE: Why? Don't you already have one?
HE: Shall we go see a movie?
SHE: I've already seen it.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Hiding from you.
HE: Haven't I seen you some place before?
SHE: Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.
HE: Is this seat empty?
SHE: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
HE: So, what do you do for a living?
SHE: I'm a female impersonator.
HE: Hey baby, what's your sign?
SHE: Do not enter.
HE: Your body is like a temple.
SHE: Sorry, there are no services today.
HE: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
SHE: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Where I'll be the rest of your life - in your
wildest dreams.
have a good laugh! :D
HE: Can I buy you a drink?
SHE: Actually I'd rather have the money.
HE: I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.
SHE: I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.
HE: Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?
SHE: Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.
HE: How did you get to be so beautiful?
SHE: I must've been given your share.
HE: Will you go out with me this Saturday?
SHE: Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.
HE: Your face must turn a few heads.
SHE: And your face must turn a few stomachs.
HE: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
SHE: Okay, get out.
HE: I think I could make you very happy.
SHE: Why? Are you leaving?
HE: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
SHE: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.
HE: Can I have your name?
SHE: Why? Don't you already have one?
HE: Shall we go see a movie?
SHE: I've already seen it.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Hiding from you.
HE: Haven't I seen you some place before?
SHE: Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.
HE: Is this seat empty?
SHE: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
HE: So, what do you do for a living?
SHE: I'm a female impersonator.
HE: Hey baby, what's your sign?
SHE: Do not enter.
HE: Your body is like a temple.
SHE: Sorry, there are no services today.
HE: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
SHE: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Where I'll be the rest of your life - in your
wildest dreams.
have a good laugh! :D
chem paper was a DISASTER.felt like i had just wasted three hours of my life cos' i couldn't do the questions at all. ): i might as well not do the paper.the questions they asked were how retarded lah.excuse me? like why will you want to ask a chem question "is the patent's proposal reliable and what will you do? " something to do with them inventing some new catalyst shit but still it doesn't make a single sense? left like dunno how many million blanks cos' i didn't understand the questions at all and i can't crap my way out.wahh.felt super cheated cos' i mugged damn hard but nothing came out? they were all weird calculations with weird solutions.oh yes.and the was freezing cold and i can't write properly cos my hands were bloody numb.think the chem teachers are out to kill all of us.HEARTLESS CREATURES.i swear i'd just get retain thanks to them. :(
chem's gone case and now i have to depend on my maths which is highly impossible cos' i failed damn badly for mid-years? God please help me. ):
shall do a quiz first.i'll leave out those questions i've answered a zillion times.koped from euods.
Name spelled backwards nixiuh
Name without vowels hxn...wasted.why can't it be hx then it'll be my intitals. (:
Name without consonants uii...??!!
Birthday 120689...please remember thank you (:
Ethnicity chinese
Glasses or contacts i wear my glasses for classes and lectures only.
Animal dog (:
Band many many (:
Brand name for clothes none in particular
Brand name for shoes same as the above
Candy i can't live without sweets which is why i think i'll probably die of diabetes ):
Cereal fruit loops and snowflakes and they honey honey one that lala always bring (:
Colour orange, brown and green
Cookie famous amos
Day friday! :D i love fridays (:
Disney character i prefer loony tunes but if i have to choose one...the little mermaid (:
Drink water and only water
Fast food place MOS...i love ichigo bliss (: haha.
Food black pepper crabs.YUMMY! :D
Holiday none in particular
Ice cream flavor i'm fine with anything except green tea
Month sweet november (:
Number nine
Perfume i don't use perfume
Pie flavor apple pie (:
Pizza topping cheese, ham and pineapples
Restaurant long as there's good food (:
Subject in school that considered a subject? :/
Type of music all kinds of rock and slow sad kind
Type of sandwich ham and egg
Of all your friends..
The best advisor cheryl ang yu xia (:
The best hair can't think of one.vera lah vera (:
The best handwriting BOON! :D
The dirtiest mind ronald chan
The funniest joel and jordan?
The loudest definitely jordan.oh and lionel.heh
The prettiest all my girl-friends (:
The most trusting cheryl, boon, ziwei, joy, yueqi, joanne and nut.haha.
The nicest eyes huh? ermm...can't think of one
The shortest janice! haha.but cute lah.
The smartest gareth tan...prodigy.don't study but will still do well that kind.bth.
The tallest david
Asked out a crush nope
Been on stage yeah i guess so
Been scared to get a shot what shot?
Cheated on a test heh.yup
Cried during a movie duh?
Felt like you didn't belong yeah
Fought a black belt crazy.i'll just use my gun.haha.
Gone to camp duh?
Kept a New Year's resolution i think so though i can't really rmb them
Kept a secret from everyone yeah
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator haha.yeah i still do it sometimes.
Stolen anything stole sweets from my brother.haha.
Told a guy you liked him er yeah
Written a love poem nope.felt like but too lazy
The Last..
CD listened to jay chou's final fantasy
Movie watched helen the baby fox? it's been a long time since i've watched one.i'm gonna watch john tucker must die on thursday! yay (:
Person that's called you eug
Person who saw you cry God
Person you went to the mall with cheryl and boon
Song listened to diary of jane
Thing you ate nothing
Thing you drank water
Yes or no
Growing up scares me more than it should not really
I adore getting mail yes
If at first you don't succeed, do you try again? it depends
If you could describe yourself in three words i don't know.HAHAHAHA.
Is your computer in your room nah
Is your room messy not really
What are some of your favorite junk foods chips and sweets
What color are your bedroom walls must i say this? er pink.haha.eeee...i want to repaint my room! :/
What do you do when you're bored stone, talk on the phone, sms, sleep or eat
What makes you happy being with friends who mean a lot to me and being with the person i love :D
What makes you sad saddening things? korean shows.haha.aiyah...many many things.yup.
What's your favorite thing to do on the weekends hang out with friends and dvds marathon (:
Worst feeling in the world currently it will be the fear of getting retained :(
back to mathsing.yes! last paper tmr and i'll be free! :D
chem paper was a DISASTER.felt like i had just wasted three hours of my life cos' i couldn't do the questions at all. ): i might as well not do the paper.the questions they asked were how retarded lah.excuse me? like why will you want to ask a chem question "is the patent's proposal reliable and what will you do? " something to do with them inventing some new catalyst shit but still it doesn't make a single sense? left like dunno how many million blanks cos' i didn't understand the questions at all and i can't crap my way out.wahh.felt super cheated cos' i mugged damn hard but nothing came out? they were all weird calculations with weird solutions.oh yes.and the was freezing cold and i can't write properly cos my hands were bloody numb.think the chem teachers are out to kill all of us.HEARTLESS CREATURES.i swear i'd just get retain thanks to them. :(
chem's gone case and now i have to depend on my maths which is highly impossible cos' i failed damn badly for mid-years? God please help me. ):
shall do a quiz first.i'll leave out those questions i've answered a zillion times.koped from euods.
Name spelled backwards nixiuh
Name without vowels hxn...wasted.why can't it be hx then it'll be my intitals. (:
Name without consonants uii...??!!
Birthday 120689...please remember thank you (:
Ethnicity chinese
Glasses or contacts i wear my glasses for classes and lectures only.
Animal dog (:
Band many many (:
Brand name for clothes none in particular
Brand name for shoes same as the above
Candy i can't live without sweets which is why i think i'll probably die of diabetes ):
Cereal fruit loops and snowflakes and they honey honey one that lala always bring (:
Colour orange, brown and green
Cookie famous amos
Day friday! :D i love fridays (:
Disney character i prefer loony tunes but if i have to choose one...the little mermaid (:
Drink water and only water
Fast food place MOS...i love ichigo bliss (: haha.
Food black pepper crabs.YUMMY! :D
Holiday none in particular
Ice cream flavor i'm fine with anything except green tea
Month sweet november (:
Number nine
Perfume i don't use perfume
Pie flavor apple pie (:
Pizza topping cheese, ham and pineapples
Restaurant long as there's good food (:
Subject in school that considered a subject? :/
Type of music all kinds of rock and slow sad kind
Type of sandwich ham and egg
Of all your friends..
The best advisor cheryl ang yu xia (:
The best hair can't think of one.vera lah vera (:
The best handwriting BOON! :D
The dirtiest mind ronald chan
The funniest joel and jordan?
The loudest definitely jordan.oh and lionel.heh
The prettiest all my girl-friends (:
The most trusting cheryl, boon, ziwei, joy, yueqi, joanne and nut.haha.
The nicest eyes huh? ermm...can't think of one
The shortest janice! haha.but cute lah.
The smartest gareth tan...prodigy.don't study but will still do well that kind.bth.
The tallest david
Asked out a crush nope
Been on stage yeah i guess so
Been scared to get a shot what shot?
Cheated on a test heh.yup
Cried during a movie duh?
Felt like you didn't belong yeah
Fought a black belt crazy.i'll just use my gun.haha.
Gone to camp duh?
Kept a New Year's resolution i think so though i can't really rmb them
Kept a secret from everyone yeah
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator haha.yeah i still do it sometimes.
Stolen anything stole sweets from my brother.haha.
Told a guy you liked him er yeah
Written a love poem nope.felt like but too lazy
The Last..
CD listened to jay chou's final fantasy
Movie watched helen the baby fox? it's been a long time since i've watched one.i'm gonna watch john tucker must die on thursday! yay (:
Person that's called you eug
Person who saw you cry God
Person you went to the mall with cheryl and boon
Song listened to diary of jane
Thing you ate nothing
Thing you drank water
Yes or no
Growing up scares me more than it should not really
I adore getting mail yes
If at first you don't succeed, do you try again? it depends
If you could describe yourself in three words i don't know.HAHAHAHA.
Is your computer in your room nah
Is your room messy not really
What are some of your favorite junk foods chips and sweets
What color are your bedroom walls must i say this? er pink.haha.eeee...i want to repaint my room! :/
What do you do when you're bored stone, talk on the phone, sms, sleep or eat
What makes you happy being with friends who mean a lot to me and being with the person i love :D
What makes you sad saddening things? korean shows.haha.aiyah...many many things.yup.
What's your favorite thing to do on the weekends hang out with friends and dvds marathon (:
Worst feeling in the world currently it will be the fear of getting retained :(
back to mathsing.yes! last paper tmr and i'll be free! :D
Sunday, September 24, 2006
i'm a happy girl today (:
i want to thank God that children's day event went on smoothly. (: even though there weren't many newcomers but at least everyone enjoyed themselves. (: yupyup.there's this p3 girl who remembered my name then she shouted "huixin!" and waved to me.damn cute. (: then i realised that i was her group leader for some children sports day event last time.haha.and not to forget my dearest joed boy boy whom i called ah gong or ah pek cos' he's forever calling me ahmah? unfortunately he influenced his friends and they started calling me that too. ): i still had to chase one around? haha.but hmm...i find great joy being with these kids. (: they never fail to cheer me up and it's through them that i'm once again reminded of their childlike when they designed their badges today, many of them wrote things like jesus loves me or praise God or they drew the cross? it's very encouraging and i just want to thank God for them. (: oh and i finally managed to catch up with melko.yay! :D and joy came too like finally? heh.missed her heaps man.
anyway i'm super determined to lose weight.haha.asked jing for tips then she asked me to run everyday for half an hour and i'm going to do just that starting from tomorrow.yes! i can do it! (: but she said results may vary.haha.she sounded like an advertisement lah.damn funny. (:
okay.back to mugging for chem. :/ toodles! (:
i want to thank God that children's day event went on smoothly. (: even though there weren't many newcomers but at least everyone enjoyed themselves. (: yupyup.there's this p3 girl who remembered my name then she shouted "huixin!" and waved to me.damn cute. (: then i realised that i was her group leader for some children sports day event last time.haha.and not to forget my dearest joed boy boy whom i called ah gong or ah pek cos' he's forever calling me ahmah? unfortunately he influenced his friends and they started calling me that too. ): i still had to chase one around? haha.but hmm...i find great joy being with these kids. (: they never fail to cheer me up and it's through them that i'm once again reminded of their childlike when they designed their badges today, many of them wrote things like jesus loves me or praise God or they drew the cross? it's very encouraging and i just want to thank God for them. (: oh and i finally managed to catch up with melko.yay! :D and joy came too like finally? heh.missed her heaps man.
anyway i'm super determined to lose weight.haha.asked jing for tips then she asked me to run everyday for half an hour and i'm going to do just that starting from tomorrow.yes! i can do it! (: but she said results may vary.haha.she sounded like an advertisement lah.damn funny. (:
okay.back to mugging for chem. :/ toodles! (:
Saturday, September 23, 2006
these are like the same questions from the quiz i did not too long ago? koped from foxy's blog.think it's quite funny (:
-Here is the deal:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question. And there you have it...
01 How does the world see me? yellow
02 Will I have a happy life? had enough
03 What do my friends really think of me? how can we be lovers...haha.really? (:
04 Do people secretly lust after me? make damn sure...WHOA.okay.
05 How can you be happy? breathe
06 What should I do with my life? fall to pieces
07 Why must life be so full of pain? yesterday feelings
08 Will I ever have children? obviously..HAHAHA.that's funny (:
09 Will I die happy? every beat of my heart
10 What is some good advice for me? one way jesus
11 What is happiness? breakfast at tiffany's...i'll make sure i have lunch and dinner as well (:
12 What's my favourite fetish? champagne supernova
13 How will I be remembered? sweet child of mine...yay! :D
14 What is your love life like? here is gone ):
15 What's your life motto? stand by me
16 What do your parents think of you? only one...heh.of course! i'm the only daughter (:
17 What's your favourite hobby? counting the've got better things to do? :/
18 What does your best friend really think of you? you're a God...HAHA! i knew it! thank you thank you! :D
19 What's the worst thing about you? numb
20 Describe your mind. far away
21 How will you die? over my head
22 How does your crush feel about you? part of your world...yeah.i wish :/
23 What is your wedding going to be like? complete...ya man :D
24 What about your honeymoon? i think we're alone now
25 Describe the last day of your life. the ghost of you
26 Why does life suck? shut up
27 Why does life rule? L.O.V.E
28 What will you be famous for? london bridge...HUH?
29 What's the craziest thing you'll ever do? two a.m love sick...i'll be asleep by then (:
30 Will you achieve your goals? i write sins, not tragedies
31 What will your future job be like? de javu
32 Your party life? free
33 Overall, will you be happy? more than words
34 Or will you just deal with it? i want to go home
haha.some just don't make sense but it was fun lah. (: oh ya.before i forget...
anyway went school to study yesterday.i had only 5 hours of sleep the previous night and i was dead tried.thank God for coffee. (: was quite productive in the morning cos the canteen was very quiet since everyone had chinese paper.heh.cheryl and i purposely go to school in the morning to spite people.haha.kidding kidding. (: managed to finish my integration tutorial and some chem MCQs but then when afternoon came, i wasn't really in the mood to study anymore.sigh.after maths extra lesson i swear i could have just died of heat stroke. :( the weather was freaking hot and i was having a slight fever which made matter i tried to study a bit of chem but gave up in the end.went to library to cool ourselves down then ended up reading through some laselle fashion mag and national geographic mag featuring sea monsters.haha.went town to eat with cheryl after that. (:
went mom's office to help her out with clearing her piles of nonsense cos she has to move office soon to somewhere nearby.oh ya.we managed to catch this couple making out in the car while my mom was parking her car? scandalous shit.haha.but then it's the perfect place cos it gets really dark in botanical gardens at night.the lightings weren't that good so ya. :/ anyway i took some pictures of her office for remembrance.haha. (:
-Here is the deal:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question. And there you have it...
01 How does the world see me? yellow
02 Will I have a happy life? had enough
03 What do my friends really think of me? how can we be lovers...haha.really? (:
04 Do people secretly lust after me? make damn sure...WHOA.okay.
05 How can you be happy? breathe
06 What should I do with my life? fall to pieces
07 Why must life be so full of pain? yesterday feelings
08 Will I ever have children? obviously..HAHAHA.that's funny (:
09 Will I die happy? every beat of my heart
10 What is some good advice for me? one way jesus
11 What is happiness? breakfast at tiffany's...i'll make sure i have lunch and dinner as well (:
12 What's my favourite fetish? champagne supernova
13 How will I be remembered? sweet child of mine...yay! :D
14 What is your love life like? here is gone ):
15 What's your life motto? stand by me
16 What do your parents think of you? only one...heh.of course! i'm the only daughter (:
17 What's your favourite hobby? counting the've got better things to do? :/
18 What does your best friend really think of you? you're a God...HAHA! i knew it! thank you thank you! :D
19 What's the worst thing about you? numb
20 Describe your mind. far away
21 How will you die? over my head
22 How does your crush feel about you? part of your world...yeah.i wish :/
23 What is your wedding going to be like? complete...ya man :D
24 What about your honeymoon? i think we're alone now
25 Describe the last day of your life. the ghost of you
26 Why does life suck? shut up
27 Why does life rule? L.O.V.E
28 What will you be famous for? london bridge...HUH?
29 What's the craziest thing you'll ever do? two a.m love sick...i'll be asleep by then (:
30 Will you achieve your goals? i write sins, not tragedies
31 What will your future job be like? de javu
32 Your party life? free
33 Overall, will you be happy? more than words
34 Or will you just deal with it? i want to go home
haha.some just don't make sense but it was fun lah. (: oh ya.before i forget...
anyway went school to study yesterday.i had only 5 hours of sleep the previous night and i was dead tried.thank God for coffee. (: was quite productive in the morning cos the canteen was very quiet since everyone had chinese paper.heh.cheryl and i purposely go to school in the morning to spite people.haha.kidding kidding. (: managed to finish my integration tutorial and some chem MCQs but then when afternoon came, i wasn't really in the mood to study anymore.sigh.after maths extra lesson i swear i could have just died of heat stroke. :( the weather was freaking hot and i was having a slight fever which made matter i tried to study a bit of chem but gave up in the end.went to library to cool ourselves down then ended up reading through some laselle fashion mag and national geographic mag featuring sea monsters.haha.went town to eat with cheryl after that. (:
went mom's office to help her out with clearing her piles of nonsense cos she has to move office soon to somewhere nearby.oh ya.we managed to catch this couple making out in the car while my mom was parking her car? scandalous shit.haha.but then it's the perfect place cos it gets really dark in botanical gardens at night.the lightings weren't that good so ya. :/ anyway i took some pictures of her office for remembrance.haha. (:

i wonder what's lurking mom said it's haunted. ):

cute right the monkey? (:
my mom's name (:
the messiest office award goes to....dearest mommy! (:
went to explore around the office and we found a bro's just being action-pac. :D
i'll miss her office though it's terribly haunted.haha. (: gonna watch the repeat telecast of prison break later.mark said it's a damn good show.
chem for now.bye (:
Thursday, September 21, 2006
don't know why i'm listening to michael bolton lately.his songs are nice.(:
went united square's starbucks to study with boon and cheryl was very unproductive for me cos' i was feeling very shittified.stoopid flu.ARGH. ): oh but we ate pizza hut for lunch! yummy! (: i felt better immediately after that.the power of hawaiian pizza. :D haha.don't know why but everywhere we go we'll see lester.perhaps cheryl's fate is sealed. :/ aunty if you're reading this, he's the man for you can't hide.HAHA. =P anyway mark called and we talked for an hour plus? so during that period of time i couldn't study.haha.yeah.cheryl and i then went to explore toysr'us to relive our childhood memories.quite fun lah. (: it's good to be a small girl once again.heh. (:
going botanical garden library to study afterwards.yup. (:
how am i suppose to live without you-michael bolton
I could hardly believe it
When I heard the news today
I had to come and get it straight from you
They said you were leavin'
Someone swept your heart away
From the look upon your face I see it's true
So tell me all about it, tell me 'bout the plans you're makin'
Then tell me one thing more before I go
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been lovin' you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
How am I supposed to carry on
When all that I've been livin' for is gone
I didn't come here for cryin'
Didn't come here to breakdown
It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end
And how can I blame you
When I built my world around
The hope that someday we'd be so much more than friends
And I don't wanna know the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming
When even now it's more than I can take
And I don't wanna face the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming
Now that your dream has come true
damn nice.(:
oh yes.this song is dedicated to my one and only...
she made me write this. ): haha.kidding lah. (:
went united square's starbucks to study with boon and cheryl was very unproductive for me cos' i was feeling very shittified.stoopid flu.ARGH. ): oh but we ate pizza hut for lunch! yummy! (: i felt better immediately after that.the power of hawaiian pizza. :D haha.don't know why but everywhere we go we'll see lester.perhaps cheryl's fate is sealed. :/ aunty if you're reading this, he's the man for you can't hide.HAHA. =P anyway mark called and we talked for an hour plus? so during that period of time i couldn't study.haha.yeah.cheryl and i then went to explore toysr'us to relive our childhood memories.quite fun lah. (: it's good to be a small girl once again.heh. (:
going botanical garden library to study afterwards.yup. (:
how am i suppose to live without you-michael bolton
I could hardly believe it
When I heard the news today
I had to come and get it straight from you
They said you were leavin'
Someone swept your heart away
From the look upon your face I see it's true
So tell me all about it, tell me 'bout the plans you're makin'
Then tell me one thing more before I go
Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been lovin' you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
How am I supposed to carry on
When all that I've been livin' for is gone
I didn't come here for cryin'
Didn't come here to breakdown
It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end
And how can I blame you
When I built my world around
The hope that someday we'd be so much more than friends
And I don't wanna know the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming
When even now it's more than I can take
And I don't wanna face the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming
Now that your dream has come true
damn nice.(:
oh yes.this song is dedicated to my one and only...
she made me write this. ): haha.kidding lah. (:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
gp paper was was damn tough and i didn't have time to complete it.): sigh.hopefully i can sub-pass for it? if not i'll just have to say goodbye to cj.haha.econs paper was okay.phew.(: the essay questions weren't that difficult and i managed to finish everything so lucky me.(:
anyway my complexion is getting worse.maybe it's due to stress. :/ my pimples are popping out and my eyebags are just damn bad.): basically i look like shit.didn't manage to sleep for two nights thanks to mr coffee.ARGH.shouldn't have drank so much and now i'm falling sick.): how wonderful life is...
koped this from ting's blog.(: think i did this before but shall do it again.
001. Real Name - poh huixin
002. Nickname - miss poh, xin, aunty
003. Single or taken - ermm..single i guess? but my heart's taken.
004. Zodiac Sign - gemini
005. Male or Female - female
006. Elementary School - rvps
007. Ipod - don't have one yet ):
008. How many buddies on your list - lazy to count
009. Friendster name - -huixin
010. Hair Color - brownish black
011. Hair Long or Short - short
012. Eye Color - brownish black
013. Are you health freak - ermm...not really
014. Height - 160 cm
015. Do you have a crush on someone - yup
016. Do you like yourself - not really but i'll try to
017. Braces? - nah
018. Think you're awesome? - haha.nope.
019. Piercings - on my ears
020. Tattoo - none
Your 'Firsts'
021. Surgery - none
022. First piercing - last year i think.
023. First best friend - can't remember
024. First Award - haha.i don't know.
025. First Sport You Joined - badminton? can't remember
026. First pet - tortoises :D sigh.i missed them. ):
027. First vacation - thailand i think.or is it malaysia? haha.can't remember.
028. First Concert - ermm...kindergarten concert.i performed for it.haha.
029. First love - :)
Your 'Favourites'
030. Favorite movie - too many
031. Favorite tv show - many many
032. Color - orange/brown/green
033. Music - all kinds of rock and slow sad kind
034. Drink -'s healthy. (:
035. Body part not on the face - haha.seriously none.i only like my eyes. (:
036. Cartoon - tom and jerry (:
037. Favorite piece of clothing - dun have one
038. Brand Of Clothing - none
039. What do you sleep with - pillow, bolster, blanket and my phone
040. Favorite School - crescent
041. Favorite Animal(s) - dogs
042. Favorite Book - rachel's tears
043. Favorite Magazine - cleo
What I'm doing
044. Eating - nothing
045. I'm drinking - water
046. I'm about to - study chem
047. Listening to - jay chou's bai se feng che.damn nice song. (:
048. Waiting For - his messages
049. Watching - the computer screen
050. Want Kids - yup.i want two at least. (:
051. Want to Get Married - yes
052. Careers in Mind - psychologist, dessert chef, paediatrician
Which is better wiith the Opposite Gender
053. Lips or Eyes - haha.both
054. Hugs or Kisses - both
055. Shorter or Taller - taller
056. Romantic or Spontaneous - romantic
057. Nice stomach or nice arms - stomach i guess
058. Sensitive or Loud - hmm..sensitive but not over-sensitive.
059. Sweet or Caring - both
060. Trouble Maker or Hesitant - trouble maker
061. Kissed a Stranger - nah
062. Drank bubbles - i think i did long time ago
063. Glasses/contacts - glasses
064. Ran Away From Home - almost did but i decided not to
065. Broken a bone - don't think so
066. Got an X-ray - yup
067. Broken Someone's Heart - yeah
068. Turned Someone Down - yup
069. Cried When Someone Died - duh?
070. Cried at school - yeah
Do You Believe In
071. God - yes!
072. Miracles - yes
073. Love at first sight - i think so
074. Aliens - nope.haven't seen one yet
075. Magic - nope
076. Heaven - yes
077. Santa Claus - no
078. Sex on the first date - don't be nuts.NO.
079. Kissing on the first date - yup.i think it's okay
080. Angels - yes
Answer Truthfully
081. Is There someone You Want To be with right now? - yes
082. How does the world see me? - i don't doesn't matter to me.
083. Will I have a happy life? - i hope so
084. What do my friends really think of me? - haha.ask them yourself
085. Do people secretly lust after me? - how would i know?
086. How can you be happy? - having him back in my life again
087. What should I do with my life? - surrender it to God
088. Why must life be so full of pain? - it's a test of our faith in God
089. Will I ever have children? - haha.yes! (:
090. Will I die happy? - i hope so.i dun want to die with regrets.
091. What is some good advice for me? - 1. always be contented with what you have. 2. learn to let go of things/people who are not meant for you.holding on will only bring you more pain. 3. love yourself and 4. surrender everything to God and trust in Him. (:
092. What is happiness? - just having him by my side (:
093. What's my favourite fetish? - i don't have one.
094. How will I be remembered? - haha.eug was just saying this last a terrorist and bomb some building.haha.hmm..i haven't thought of it seriously.
095. What is your love life like? - hmm..
096. What's your life motto? - look at 091 plus be happy! :D
097. What do your parents think of you? - haha.ask them but i know they love me a lot.(:
098. What's your favourite hobby? - slacking
099. What does your best friend really think of you? - someone like her? i don't know.ask her yourself
100. What's the worst thing about you? - too paranoid at times and i usually put others before myself.i'd rather hurt myself than others.
101. Describe your mind. - stressed out.
102. How will you die? - how would i know?
103. How does your crush feel about you? - how would i know? i don't even know if i have one.haha.
104. What is your wedding going to be like? - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (:
105. What about your honeymoon? - same as 104
106. Describe the last day of your life. - i don't want to think about it'll only make me sad.
107. Why does life suck? - because it is made like that
108. Why does life rule? - because there are always people who love and care for me
109. What will you be famous for? - nothing
110. What's the craziest thing you'll ever do? - hmm...i don't know.
111. Will you achieve your goals? - hopefully
112. What will your future job be like? - look at of them
113. Your party life? - nah.i don't party
114. Overall, will you be happy? - yeah i matter what i'll not let myself get trap in a world of sadness. (:
115. Or will you just deal with it? - huh? deal with what? haha.
yay.i'm done! shall go study chem now.tata. (:
anyway my complexion is getting worse.maybe it's due to stress. :/ my pimples are popping out and my eyebags are just damn bad.): basically i look like shit.didn't manage to sleep for two nights thanks to mr coffee.ARGH.shouldn't have drank so much and now i'm falling sick.): how wonderful life is...
koped this from ting's blog.(: think i did this before but shall do it again.
001. Real Name - poh huixin
002. Nickname - miss poh, xin, aunty
003. Single or taken - ermm..single i guess? but my heart's taken.
004. Zodiac Sign - gemini
005. Male or Female - female
006. Elementary School - rvps
007. Ipod - don't have one yet ):
008. How many buddies on your list - lazy to count
009. Friendster name - -huixin
010. Hair Color - brownish black
011. Hair Long or Short - short
012. Eye Color - brownish black
013. Are you health freak - ermm...not really
014. Height - 160 cm
015. Do you have a crush on someone - yup
016. Do you like yourself - not really but i'll try to
017. Braces? - nah
018. Think you're awesome? - haha.nope.
019. Piercings - on my ears
020. Tattoo - none
Your 'Firsts'
021. Surgery - none
022. First piercing - last year i think.
023. First best friend - can't remember
024. First Award - haha.i don't know.
025. First Sport You Joined - badminton? can't remember
026. First pet - tortoises :D sigh.i missed them. ):
027. First vacation - thailand i think.or is it malaysia? haha.can't remember.
028. First Concert - ermm...kindergarten concert.i performed for it.haha.
029. First love - :)
Your 'Favourites'
030. Favorite movie - too many
031. Favorite tv show - many many
032. Color - orange/brown/green
033. Music - all kinds of rock and slow sad kind
034. Drink -'s healthy. (:
035. Body part not on the face - haha.seriously none.i only like my eyes. (:
036. Cartoon - tom and jerry (:
037. Favorite piece of clothing - dun have one
038. Brand Of Clothing - none
039. What do you sleep with - pillow, bolster, blanket and my phone
040. Favorite School - crescent
041. Favorite Animal(s) - dogs
042. Favorite Book - rachel's tears
043. Favorite Magazine - cleo
What I'm doing
044. Eating - nothing
045. I'm drinking - water
046. I'm about to - study chem
047. Listening to - jay chou's bai se feng che.damn nice song. (:
048. Waiting For - his messages
049. Watching - the computer screen
050. Want Kids - yup.i want two at least. (:
051. Want to Get Married - yes
052. Careers in Mind - psychologist, dessert chef, paediatrician
Which is better wiith the Opposite Gender
053. Lips or Eyes - haha.both
054. Hugs or Kisses - both
055. Shorter or Taller - taller
056. Romantic or Spontaneous - romantic
057. Nice stomach or nice arms - stomach i guess
058. Sensitive or Loud - hmm..sensitive but not over-sensitive.
059. Sweet or Caring - both
060. Trouble Maker or Hesitant - trouble maker
061. Kissed a Stranger - nah
062. Drank bubbles - i think i did long time ago
063. Glasses/contacts - glasses
064. Ran Away From Home - almost did but i decided not to
065. Broken a bone - don't think so
066. Got an X-ray - yup
067. Broken Someone's Heart - yeah
068. Turned Someone Down - yup
069. Cried When Someone Died - duh?
070. Cried at school - yeah
Do You Believe In
071. God - yes!
072. Miracles - yes
073. Love at first sight - i think so
074. Aliens - nope.haven't seen one yet
075. Magic - nope
076. Heaven - yes
077. Santa Claus - no
078. Sex on the first date - don't be nuts.NO.
079. Kissing on the first date - yup.i think it's okay
080. Angels - yes
Answer Truthfully
081. Is There someone You Want To be with right now? - yes
082. How does the world see me? - i don't doesn't matter to me.
083. Will I have a happy life? - i hope so
084. What do my friends really think of me? - haha.ask them yourself
085. Do people secretly lust after me? - how would i know?
086. How can you be happy? - having him back in my life again
087. What should I do with my life? - surrender it to God
088. Why must life be so full of pain? - it's a test of our faith in God
089. Will I ever have children? - haha.yes! (:
090. Will I die happy? - i hope so.i dun want to die with regrets.
091. What is some good advice for me? - 1. always be contented with what you have. 2. learn to let go of things/people who are not meant for you.holding on will only bring you more pain. 3. love yourself and 4. surrender everything to God and trust in Him. (:
092. What is happiness? - just having him by my side (:
093. What's my favourite fetish? - i don't have one.
094. How will I be remembered? - haha.eug was just saying this last a terrorist and bomb some building.haha.hmm..i haven't thought of it seriously.
095. What is your love life like? - hmm..
096. What's your life motto? - look at 091 plus be happy! :D
097. What do your parents think of you? - haha.ask them but i know they love me a lot.(:
098. What's your favourite hobby? - slacking
099. What does your best friend really think of you? - someone like her? i don't know.ask her yourself
100. What's the worst thing about you? - too paranoid at times and i usually put others before myself.i'd rather hurt myself than others.
101. Describe your mind. - stressed out.
102. How will you die? - how would i know?
103. How does your crush feel about you? - how would i know? i don't even know if i have one.haha.
104. What is your wedding going to be like? - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (:
105. What about your honeymoon? - same as 104
106. Describe the last day of your life. - i don't want to think about it'll only make me sad.
107. Why does life suck? - because it is made like that
108. Why does life rule? - because there are always people who love and care for me
109. What will you be famous for? - nothing
110. What's the craziest thing you'll ever do? - hmm...i don't know.
111. Will you achieve your goals? - hopefully
112. What will your future job be like? - look at of them
113. Your party life? - nah.i don't party
114. Overall, will you be happy? - yeah i matter what i'll not let myself get trap in a world of sadness. (:
115. Or will you just deal with it? - huh? deal with what? haha.
yay.i'm done! shall go study chem now.tata. (:
Saturday, September 16, 2006
i'm dead tired.argh.
studied with eug today.teckjin pang seh me but it's not his fault lah.his mom wants to teach him lit.heh.(: anyway, today was just super unproductive.stoopid eug kept blackmailing me.): we just spent the whole afternoon videoing each other and trying to steal each other's phone to delete retarded. :/ we only started studying properly when yien joined us.haha.(:
congratulations-blue october
Is that seat taken
Would you like to take a walk with me
My mind it kind of goes fast
I try to slow it down for you
I think i'd love to take a drive
I want to give you something
I've been wanting to give to you for years
My heart
My heart, my pain won't cover up
You left me.
My heart won't take this cover up
You left me.
I came to see the light in my best friend
You seemed as happy as you'd ever been
My chance of being open was broken
And now you're Mrs. him.
My words they don't come out right
But I'll try to say i'm happy for you
I think I'm going to take that drive
I want to give you something I have wanted to give to you for years
My heart
My heart, my pain won't cover up
You left me.
My heart
My heart won't take this cover up
You left me.
And I can't change this
I can never take it back
But now I can't change your mind
(You left me)
And I can't this
I can never take this back
But now I can't change your mind
can't change your mind
(You left me)
(You left me)
Go away
Make it go away
another nice song.(:
studied with eug today.teckjin pang seh me but it's not his fault lah.his mom wants to teach him lit.heh.(: anyway, today was just super unproductive.stoopid eug kept blackmailing me.): we just spent the whole afternoon videoing each other and trying to steal each other's phone to delete retarded. :/ we only started studying properly when yien joined us.haha.(:
congratulations-blue october
Is that seat taken
Would you like to take a walk with me
My mind it kind of goes fast
I try to slow it down for you
I think i'd love to take a drive
I want to give you something
I've been wanting to give to you for years
My heart
My heart, my pain won't cover up
You left me.
My heart won't take this cover up
You left me.
I came to see the light in my best friend
You seemed as happy as you'd ever been
My chance of being open was broken
And now you're Mrs. him.
My words they don't come out right
But I'll try to say i'm happy for you
I think I'm going to take that drive
I want to give you something I have wanted to give to you for years
My heart
My heart, my pain won't cover up
You left me.
My heart
My heart won't take this cover up
You left me.
And I can't change this
I can never take it back
But now I can't change your mind
(You left me)
And I can't this
I can never take this back
But now I can't change your mind
can't change your mind
(You left me)
(You left me)
Go away
Make it go away
another nice song.(:
Friday, September 15, 2006
night study was rather productive.(: stayed back for two nights and i managed to finish two chapters of econs.(: once in a while there would be annoying teachers walking around, nothing better to do.yesterday there's this woman who dressed up like she's going to some gym? like hello? this is a libaray not a gym? then she was like "can you ppl just keep quiet? and no whispering because it's very irritating." crazy can you not whisper? so everyone became mute or something and had to do sign language. :/ i swear i almost took my green scissors to poke her.haha.cheryl's my accomplice ;) we wanted to lure her to a corner and bash her up.she's lucky because we let her off but the next time we see her, she shall not live.(: okay.this is retarded.haha.anyway we got tired after studying halfway so me and cheryl decided to play the stoning game.we'll stone and stare at each other and not laugh but her face is so qian bian.wahhh.maybe mine too so in the end we just kept giggling.haha.boon is innocent from all these nonsense.(:
no school today because it's a holiday for us so we can study and prepare for our exams next week.i feel the pressure now man cos' everyone's mugging like crazy. :/ R is for RETAINING and i certainly don't want to get retained. :( damn scared now.
going back school to study soon.byebye.
here by me-three doors down
I hope you're doing fine out there without me
'Cause I'm not doing so good without you
The things I thought you'd never know about me
Were the things I guess you always understood
So how could I have been so blind for all these years?
Guess I only see the truth through all this fear,
And living without you...
And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
I can't take another day without you
'Cause baby, I could never make it on my own
I've been waiting so long, just to hold you
And to be back in your arms where I belong
Sorry I can't always find the words to say
But everything I've ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love...
And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
As the days grow long I see
That time is standing still for me
When you're not here
Sorry I can't always find the words to say
Everything I've ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love...
And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
i love this song.(:
no school today because it's a holiday for us so we can study and prepare for our exams next week.i feel the pressure now man cos' everyone's mugging like crazy. :/ R is for RETAINING and i certainly don't want to get retained. :( damn scared now.
going back school to study soon.byebye.
here by me-three doors down
I hope you're doing fine out there without me
'Cause I'm not doing so good without you
The things I thought you'd never know about me
Were the things I guess you always understood
So how could I have been so blind for all these years?
Guess I only see the truth through all this fear,
And living without you...
And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
I can't take another day without you
'Cause baby, I could never make it on my own
I've been waiting so long, just to hold you
And to be back in your arms where I belong
Sorry I can't always find the words to say
But everything I've ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love...
And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
As the days grow long I see
That time is standing still for me
When you're not here
Sorry I can't always find the words to say
Everything I've ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love...
And everything I have in this world
And all that I'll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
i love this song.(:
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
studied with ziwei for a short while after school.actually we didn't really study much.most of the time he was just helping me solve my maths questions and we talked a lot of rubbish.heh.(: we wanted to diet tgt but ended up eating noodle king.): and guess what? noodle king uncle said his hair is cool k! i almost died when i heard that but i figured out why they could connect so well.heh.cos both of them are ah peks.(: ziwei if you are reading this, i'm sorry.haha.
went library to study with boon and cheryl after that.think i'll stay for night study tmr cos the library's really conducive.(: boon...i promise i'll stay ah...provided my mom allows lah.heehee.(:
okay.i'm strictly on a diet.eating yan yan biscuit for dinner now.yum.(:
sigh.for this whole week i am going to sleep earliest at 1 am.yes 1 am.i am not kidding and mr coffee shall be my companion.(: must mug like crazy for now.):
gotta go.tata.(:
went library to study with boon and cheryl after that.think i'll stay for night study tmr cos the library's really conducive.(: boon...i promise i'll stay ah...provided my mom allows lah.heehee.(:
okay.i'm strictly on a diet.eating yan yan biscuit for dinner now.yum.(:
sigh.for this whole week i am going to sleep earliest at 1 am.yes 1 am.i am not kidding and mr coffee shall be my companion.(: must mug like crazy for now.):
gotta go.tata.(:
Monday, September 11, 2006
for the past few days my internet was annoying.): anyway, today was a BAD BAD day.i'm like dying in school because my stupid cramps is killing me.arghhhh.wanted to stay back to study but i couldn't take it so i flew home and sleep.heh.felt so much better now.(:
shit.i dun really have much to blog about.what did i do for the past few days? oh.yesterday had lunch with the 89 guys, jing and matthan at crystal jade.(: celebrate their baptism.yup.wahh.the food is damn good.shiok! :D and finally i finished watching MY LOVELY SAMSOON! yay! :D laughed my ass off's super super funny.(: at least not a draggy sad korean show for once.i'll rewatch it after promos.heh.cheryl's gonna lend me desperate housewives and oc too! (:
back to studying my econs.sigh.tmr got essay test.): sian.oh.i passed my econs case study test! please clap for me! (: haha.i'm motivated once again.(:
for the past few days my internet was annoying.): anyway, today was a BAD BAD day.i'm like dying in school because my stupid cramps is killing me.arghhhh.wanted to stay back to study but i couldn't take it so i flew home and sleep.heh.felt so much better now.(:
shit.i dun really have much to blog about.what did i do for the past few days? oh.yesterday had lunch with the 89 guys, jing and matthan at crystal jade.(: celebrate their baptism.yup.wahh.the food is damn good.shiok! :D and finally i finished watching MY LOVELY SAMSOON! yay! :D laughed my ass off's super super funny.(: at least not a draggy sad korean show for once.i'll rewatch it after promos.heh.cheryl's gonna lend me desperate housewives and oc too! (:
back to studying my econs.sigh.tmr got essay test.): sian.oh.i passed my econs case study test! please clap for me! (: haha.i'm motivated once again.(:
Friday, September 08, 2006
i seriously dunno what's wrong with my mom.yesterday she scolded me an idiot and today she asked me to help her with her office report so i helped and then she had to scream at me when i said i've to rush out for dg outing.whatever.i can't be bothered with her anymore.
anyway dg outing was quite alright.(: alethea, hannah, sarah and miin turned up.we walked around town and took a couple of neoprints.these girls are just so excited when it comes to taking neoprints. :/ me and jing were very reluctant at first but gave in in the end.haha.we took like twice and they took one more time themselves? madness.i wouldn't waste that amount of money man but i guess it was fun.(: oh and jing walked into hula & co and we were super tempted to buy the tee shirts.$23.90 but we were broke.sighhh.): but we agreed to buy for each other for christmas! :D the end, all of us just bought super cheap earrings (7 for $10) and minn got her freaking cheap stussy skirt for $ was on 70% sale.yay! at least we felt accomplished.(:

at least i was happy for four hours today.(:
you said you would always be there whenever i need you
all lies.
i didn't know it was so painful to lose you
until now.
too painful.
anyway dg outing was quite alright.(: alethea, hannah, sarah and miin turned up.we walked around town and took a couple of neoprints.these girls are just so excited when it comes to taking neoprints. :/ me and jing were very reluctant at first but gave in in the end.haha.we took like twice and they took one more time themselves? madness.i wouldn't waste that amount of money man but i guess it was fun.(: oh and jing walked into hula & co and we were super tempted to buy the tee shirts.$23.90 but we were broke.sighhh.): but we agreed to buy for each other for christmas! :D the end, all of us just bought super cheap earrings (7 for $10) and minn got her freaking cheap stussy skirt for $ was on 70% sale.yay! at least we felt accomplished.(:

at least i was happy for four hours today.(:
you said you would always be there whenever i need you
all lies.
i didn't know it was so painful to lose you
until now.
too painful.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
yesterday i managed to study three chapters of chem, did some chem mcqs and a bit of functions but today was just unproductive.didn't really study much because i was just very very distracted.sigh.): .nvm.i shall focus for tomorrow.(:
this sucks totally.i failed my chem test.sigh.
back to listening jay chou.
i hated how i could not make you smile anymore
i hated how i could not make you laugh like how i used to
this sucks totally.i failed my chem test.sigh.
back to listening jay chou.
i hated how i could not make you smile anymore
i hated how i could not make you laugh like how i used to
Friday, September 01, 2006
yesterday was such a happy day.(: i finally met up with my lovely 4s1 classmates.i'm glad that quite a number of them came and it was so great to see them again.(: sigh.i really miss crescent.if only i could turn back time to last year, i'll be the happiest girl on earth.(: friends whom i know are for life, wonderful classmates, devoted teachers, nice canteen food etc. there was no worries at all.everything was just perfect.haha.but unfortunately that's impossible.):
anyway, we met up at suntec pizza hut and went to marina square after that.walked around and finally settled down at macs to talk.i guess i talked the most because my dearest joanne lost her right she should be the one making most of the noise.haha! joke of the year: joanne's ezlink card. :D she's super funny goes the story...she wanted to take a nice cute photo for her ezlink she was preparing her pose unfortunately, there was a loud band that shocked her and dunno why but she flared her the photo turned out really spastic.HAHAHAHAHA! all of us just laughed til we cried.siying's the ultimate.(:
went home with nut afterwards.we talked and talked and talked and well, i've found my fellow emo-mate.(:
yueqi: my beloved partner! :D thanks for everything really.(: i missed your chicken laughter, your untidiness, your locker filled with sweets.(: you know i still love you! :D
joanne: better take care of your throat k.drink lots and lots of water!! see lah.make me miss your voice so much.): and yes yes i'll miss your flaring nostrils too. ;) jkjk.i love you BABE! hug hug.(:
dawnnie: dawnnie!! i just realised i didn't talk to you much but nonetheless, i still love you! (: haha.keep smiling and laughing! (rmb your intentional laughing will lead to unintentional laughing? then the whole world thinks you're mad? haha.) stay bubbly and pretty! :D
yinxi: my beloved chairman. :D still as blur and cute as ever.haha.i'm glad that you're enjoying life so much and continue to bring joy to those around you yeah? ;) even though your eye candies don't love you, i still love you! haha.(:
nut: i've got nothing much to say to you.haha! jkjk.acting emo only.anyway remember our diet plan ah...the next time we see each other we must go "WAH.HOT SIAH!" okay? wait.but the next time we meet will be quite soon right? meeting to next time then.after promos.(: stop being narcissistic and spend hours looking at the mirror ya? heh.i love you! :D
denise: PIAK PIAK! :D i missed piaking your butt alr.haha! anyway it was great to be able to catch up with you.(: miss you so much okay? like dunno since when we said must meet up soon but stoopid fate doesn't allow us to on speech day.): anyway, take care and love ya lots! (:
chenise: cool as usual.(: was great to see that you've turned more feminine.(: heh.anyway i'm so glad you came! (: eh.when we're free must meet up k? since we live so near each other.(: take care and love you! :D
siying: wahhh.the ultimate laugher.haha! missed your laughter alr.heh.hmmm..even though jc life may be sad and tough, we'll survive right? so don't be so sad anymore and try to move on k? maybe you'll be much happier! (: remember, i'll be here for you! :D hopefully the next time we meet, i'll see a happier siying and oh.come back with more juicy news k? love ya! (:
nurul: aiyooo.i see you everyday in school so what can i say? hmm...i'm glad that at least i have a 4s1 classmate in cj! (: love you and let's mug hard for promos k? (: see ya around soon! (:
to the rest: i'm glad you guys came! (: even though i didn't manage to talk much to you all, i still love you ppl! :D yay! 4s1 rocks! (: we'll meet up soon ok? take care and stay happy! (:
i thank God for you ppl =D
yesterday was such a happy day.(: i finally met up with my lovely 4s1 classmates.i'm glad that quite a number of them came and it was so great to see them again.(: sigh.i really miss crescent.if only i could turn back time to last year, i'll be the happiest girl on earth.(: friends whom i know are for life, wonderful classmates, devoted teachers, nice canteen food etc. there was no worries at all.everything was just perfect.haha.but unfortunately that's impossible.):
anyway, we met up at suntec pizza hut and went to marina square after that.walked around and finally settled down at macs to talk.i guess i talked the most because my dearest joanne lost her right she should be the one making most of the noise.haha! joke of the year: joanne's ezlink card. :D she's super funny goes the story...she wanted to take a nice cute photo for her ezlink she was preparing her pose unfortunately, there was a loud band that shocked her and dunno why but she flared her the photo turned out really spastic.HAHAHAHAHA! all of us just laughed til we cried.siying's the ultimate.(:
went home with nut afterwards.we talked and talked and talked and well, i've found my fellow emo-mate.(:
yueqi: my beloved partner! :D thanks for everything really.(: i missed your chicken laughter, your untidiness, your locker filled with sweets.(: you know i still love you! :D
joanne: better take care of your throat k.drink lots and lots of water!! see lah.make me miss your voice so much.): and yes yes i'll miss your flaring nostrils too. ;) jkjk.i love you BABE! hug hug.(:
dawnnie: dawnnie!! i just realised i didn't talk to you much but nonetheless, i still love you! (: haha.keep smiling and laughing! (rmb your intentional laughing will lead to unintentional laughing? then the whole world thinks you're mad? haha.) stay bubbly and pretty! :D
yinxi: my beloved chairman. :D still as blur and cute as ever.haha.i'm glad that you're enjoying life so much and continue to bring joy to those around you yeah? ;) even though your eye candies don't love you, i still love you! haha.(:
nut: i've got nothing much to say to you.haha! jkjk.acting emo only.anyway remember our diet plan ah...the next time we see each other we must go "WAH.HOT SIAH!" okay? wait.but the next time we meet will be quite soon right? meeting to next time then.after promos.(: stop being narcissistic and spend hours looking at the mirror ya? heh.i love you! :D
denise: PIAK PIAK! :D i missed piaking your butt alr.haha! anyway it was great to be able to catch up with you.(: miss you so much okay? like dunno since when we said must meet up soon but stoopid fate doesn't allow us to on speech day.): anyway, take care and love ya lots! (:
chenise: cool as usual.(: was great to see that you've turned more feminine.(: heh.anyway i'm so glad you came! (: eh.when we're free must meet up k? since we live so near each other.(: take care and love you! :D
siying: wahhh.the ultimate laugher.haha! missed your laughter alr.heh.hmmm..even though jc life may be sad and tough, we'll survive right? so don't be so sad anymore and try to move on k? maybe you'll be much happier! (: remember, i'll be here for you! :D hopefully the next time we meet, i'll see a happier siying and oh.come back with more juicy news k? love ya! (:
nurul: aiyooo.i see you everyday in school so what can i say? hmm...i'm glad that at least i have a 4s1 classmate in cj! (: love you and let's mug hard for promos k? (: see ya around soon! (:
to the rest: i'm glad you guys came! (: even though i didn't manage to talk much to you all, i still love you ppl! :D yay! 4s1 rocks! (: we'll meet up soon ok? take care and stay happy! (:
i thank God for you ppl =D
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